
live-configurator in Prestashop 1.6 not working

The live-configurator of Prestashop promises, „Live Template edits directly from the Front Office, allowing merchants to edit the colors and fonts of their online shop in just a few clicks“.

Actually it is not most fanciest tool ever developed but it is good enough to quickly give the default template a slightly different look – especially it comes in handy if your dealing with multishop and thus more themes.

You can choose 9 color schemes and 10 fonts

As it happens this live-configurator gives some prestarianer out there some issues. It does not save the settings or does not show up at all. If a module-reset does not help, you have a lot of threads to scan for solutions.

Another solution, imho faster: Change the settings in the database:

ps-tcJust edit the values for PS_TC_THEMES and PS_TC_FONTS in table ps_configuration.

For themes you have can choose from theme1 to theme9 and for fonts you can opt for:

  • Open Sans
  • Josefin Slab
  • Arvo
  • Lato
  • Volkorn
  • Abril Fatface
  • Ubuntu
  • PT Sans
  • Old Standard TT
    Droid Sans
